

In times of heightened stress or crisis, an intensive time of focused therapy offers a lifeline that can bring people back from the edge.  Intensives run 2 to 3 days and cover 6 months worth of therapy.  This intentional time can be the saving grace that provides hope, clarity, and practical tools in the midst of turmoil.

Intensives are available for individual and couples.  Group intensives that include up to 3 other couples are also available. 

The Marriage Refuge

We partner with The Relationship Resource. Marriage intensives are for couples in severe crisis situations—such as those on the brink of divorce—as well as couples who require in-depth counseling or help progressing in their relationship.

At The Refuge Marriage Intensive two licensed, Christian therapists and/or pastoral counselors lead experiential, Christ-centered sessions in a three couple, group-therapy format over a three-and-a-half-day period. This safe environment helps get to the heart of marital problems, breaks down communication obstacles, and brings healing and restoration to unhealed wounds. See The Relationship Resource Marriage Refuge Intensive for more information.

The Hideaway Experience

We partner with The Hideaway Experience.  The Hideaway Experience is a 4 day intensive retreat with 4 couples.  This retreat format takes you away to a beautiful home for a long weekend where group therapy will take place in an intentional, all-inclusive, Christian environment.  It varies from the group intensive offered above by its getaway quality and Hideaway-specific programmatic format. See the Hideaway Experience for more information. 

Make an appointment

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