N. Stone Watson

Associate Marriage and Family Therapist #143113

Supervised by Amanda Nemeth LMFT #115990

Stone loves walking with clients through both the good times and the bad. He prides himself on his ability to help clients think outside of the box when considering how the past connects to the present in pursuit of restoration. Stone is well-versed in athletics, being a former collegiate football player. As a result, he knows firsthand how difficult it can be to know who you are when life forces you to change, and how quickly your identity can feel lost. He is skilled at helping clients work towards better self-understanding, primarily working with clients who feel “stuck”, are experiencing significant life transitions, suffer from anxiety or depression, or believe that life should be better than it is right now. Stone works primarily with men of all ages and teens and young-adults.  




M.S. Marriage and Family Therapy– Fuller Theologically Seminary


Level 1 Restoration Therapist


B.A. in English Writing, Wheaton College, IL

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